The Oasis Church
Welcome to The Oasis Church! We are a family of believers who love God, love each other, love the town God has placed us in, and have a burning desire to see the name of Jesus lifted higher than any other name! We desire to see people of all ages, races and backgrounds coming together to worship God and live lives that radically change the world around us. We love God passionately; we love each other sacrificially and love serving the community of Howick. Why not join us at one of the Meeting Times listed below?
Wednesdays 17:30pm: Worship, Prayer & Fellowship
Sundays 09:00am: Sunday Celebration
• At Oasis, children are important participants in our main worship time on a Sunday morning. After the main worship session the kids are ministered to by the Oasis Kids Ministry team in a separate venue. There is also a mother and baby room for those with children under 3 years. We also have a weekly Youth gathering on Friday nights (7pm-9pm) during term time for High School students. At Oasis we are a family where everyone has a place to belong and be inspired in their walk with God.
• If you would like to find out more please phone our office on (033) 330 3456 or visit our website ( to see the many ways you can get involved. We would love to assist you in any way we can get connected to God and start living out His purpose for your life.