Sunfield Home for Intellectually Impaired Adults is nestled against the slopes of a long hill in the heart of the beautiful KwaZulu-Natal Midlands lies Sunfield Home Howick. Sunfield Home Howick is dedicated to providing a caring and home-like environment for a wide spectrum of intellectually impaired adults of all races. The home undertakes to involve its residents in appropriate training, occupational care and recreational activities that will enhance their lifelong well-being.
In 1955 Sunfield Home consisted solely of Schafer house, the original farm house on Greendale Farm and named after the first managers of Sunfield Home Howick. Over the years other houses have been built to accommodate the growing number of residents. Each house has a dining room, a TV lounge and separate, modern bathrooms for men and women.
After years of fund-raising, planning, building and remodelling the various houses, Sunfield Home is finally in the position to offer each resident a private room. In all of the houses each room is decorated – as it would be at home – to reflect the individual taste and personality of that person. A stroll down any corridor at Sunfield reveals everything from pink frills and fluffy toys to computers, TVs and rugby posters!
Sunfield also has a large workshop with a stage, which doubles as a hall. The large space is used for a number of different activities such as dancing classes, snooker, discos and woodwork.
Sport plays a big part in life at Sunfield. Not only does sport have obvious physical benefits, it engenders and nurtures sportsmanship and happy camaraderie which are so much part of the ethos of our Home. Everyone joins in to a lesser or greater degree with lots of encouragement from our trained sports staff.
Sunfield Home is situated on 22 hectares of sloping hillside. Approximately 10 hectares have been developed: the remainder is covered in natural grassland and wattle. Sunfield residents enjoy beautiful grassed areas shaded by huge trees and dotted with colourful shrubs and flower beds. They play cricket on a pitch on the large lower sports field, overlooked by the wattle plantation, and other games on the smaller upper sports field. In summer residents enjoy our huge swimming pool and there are trampolines for the physically more able. The "Green Gang" take great pride in helping to keep our lovely grounds neat and tidy.
Sunfield Home Howick believes that people with intellectual impairments deserve to be provided for in a protected environment for life, where they are encouraged to extend their abilities and achieve a life of fulfillment.
Sunfield Home Howick cares for and develops people with intellectual impairments in a protected and stimulating home-from-home environment.
COMMITMENT: We are dedicated to improving ourselves, our activities and our facilities for the benefit of our residents and their improved welfare.
CARING: We are committed to unselfishly serving our residents and providing the highest level of care possible.
COMMUNITY: We will endeavour to maintain a unified family environment that supports our residents’ needs, where communication is effective and transparent, and builds a mutually respectful culture across Residents, Members, Staff and Board.