Did you know.....
In World War One (WWI) parrots were kept on the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France because of their remarkable sense of hearing. When the Parrots heard the enemy aircraft coming they would warn everyone of the approaching danger long before any human ear would hear it.
It is estimated that in excess of 500 million people around the world suffer from some form of hearing loss? Are you one of them? Take a minute to think whether any of these signs that you may have a hearing problem apply to you.
Do you :-
Put the TV or radio louder than usual
Find that your family and friends are complaining that you do not hear them when they speak to you
Find that most people mumble
Have to ask for repetition more often than other people
Begin to feel that it is too much effort to take part in certain conversations, and you withdraw or 'switch off' in company
have any other symptoms in the ear, such as ringing, pain or dizziness
LaurieButlin says "Early identification and diagnosis may help to prevent more of a problem later on. Finding and treating a hearing loss closer to its onset is important because, once the cause has been diagnosed, it is often possible to prevent it from worsening further and may lead to more positive results."
Butlin Hearing is a family owned practice consisting of Laurie Butlin and his daughter-in-law, Kate-Marie Butlin. All clients consult personally with either Laurie or Kate-Marie.
They look forward to meeting you at Butlin Hearing's consulting rooms, where they will gladly offer advice and answer any questions you may have relating to hearing loss and hearing instruments.