'Our ECO Club undertook a wildflower walk in September, guided by Nicky Brighton. This was a wonderful opportunity to observe the start of the Spring season. '
The club walked to the top of Beacon Hill, learning about the various wildflower species along the way. The hillside was blooming with the bright reds and yellows of fire lilies (Cyrtanthus), Gazanias and Senecios, and purple/blues of Asters, Vernonias, Clerodendrums and Pentasias. Little ground orchids (Eulophia) were flowering too.
The burning of fire breaks is an important part of grassland maintenance in South Africa, and against the blackened backdrop, these flowers looked quite vivid.
We thank Bridget Ringdahl for introducing us to Nicky Brighton and both ladies for assisting us with this excursion.' shared Howick High.